Tuesday 8 September 2015

Quizz on Habitats

Y3/4 Quizz on Habitats

What two types of lizards do you know and how do you know the difference?

How many lizards in New Zealand are killed in the garden every day and why?

How can you help protect our New Zealand lizards?

What other reptile lives in New Zealand that is unique (=special) in the world?

Why is this reptile so unique?

What type of New Zealand bird is unique in the world and why?

Why can this bird not fly? How is this bird linked to adaptation and change?

What are the dangers that harm our native birds and reptiles?

How can you help protect our native birds and reptiles and their habitats?

Choose one endangered New Zealand native bird or reptile and explain what is so unique and amazing about them. Write in complete sentences that include capital letters and full stops.

Draw a float diagram to show adaptation and change to a habitat of your chosen New Zealand bird or reptile.


Have a Chat about a Habitat

Have a Chat about a Habitat

The Year 3 & 4 students have been learning about habitats. 
Who remembers what 'habitat' means? 

And what are the scientific words for 'animals' and 'plants'?
Why can change have an impact on an animal's habitat?
What type of change would it be?